It's been a crazy busy week, and I've really missed our random daily challenges, but I'll hopefully be back in the swing of things here shortly. I've been gone because the two performing arts companies I work with had shows that premiered this weekend, so the week before--tech week, or production week, we call it--is terribly busy. But I did carry my camera so you could see a little of what I've been up to.
In my day job, I'm the Arts Education Coordinator for
the state's largest ballet company; last week we had 4 daytime productions that were attended by more than 5,000 students ranging in age from pre-k to high was a full time job working with their teachers and the theatre where we performed to make sure everything went as smoothly as possible. It did, and they all had a great time:
After work each day, I'd spend the evenings in production week for the area's only
professional resident theatre company for families and young audiences, getting ready for thats show's opening this weekend. The show was
Rapunzel, and it entailed building the set (including a tower that fits 4 actors), hanging lights, rigging special effects, running box office, repairing costumes, last minute's a small company, so a lot of us do double and triple duty.
So I have been involved in creative pursuits this week, just not with the regularity and discipline I've been used to so far this month. I did, however manage to keep my camera with me and snuck in some experiments of my own while running errands and being out and about, so the week wasn't a total wash. I will post some of them in the next few days, until things calm down a little and I can get more time freed up for more in-depth creative experimentation.